Chanerr hou, everyone! Welcome to the Official NecroSeam Forum: Extra World Notes & FAQ! Here you'll find all kinds of information and can ask questions about the NecroSeam Chronicles, other works of mine, or anything about me in general you're curious about (Within reason, of course).
While I'm stoked you decided to join us in this community, I'd like to set some ground rules:
1) Please be kind and courteous.
No amount of bullying, attacking, slandering, or just general toxic behavior will be tolerated. If I see abusive behavior, the offending post or comment will be deleted, and the account of the user responsible will be flagged. Three flags, and your account will be removed altogether.
2) Label Mature Content and Spoiler Warnings
Since this is a public forum, anyone can view these discussions, so keep in mind that children and new readers (or potential readers) may be looking through here. While I personally do not mind profanity or vulgarity, I would prefer if other viewers had the choice to not view something they would find offensive before they click on a thread, so please give language/mature content/trigger warnings/spoiler warnings to your posts, should they apply.
3) No Spamming
Come on, guys, let's keep it on topic to the thread you're in, all right? Spam will be deleted if spotted.
4) Do Your Due Diligence
Before asking a question, check in to the General FAQ thread and Official Glossary first to see it's already been answered.
5) Have Fun!
This is a community after all, so go forth and be merry!
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